Refugees At Home
Region: Glasgow | London | North West | West Midlands
Topic: Homelessness
People who have refugee status and a good standard of English can refer themselves for accommodation. We also offer the self-referral process for those arriving through the Homes for Ukraine scheme.
They will need to provide details of two people who can vouch for them. These need to be people who we have known the prospective guest while they have been in the UK and who know the guest well enough to be able to answer questions about who they are and what their plans are. Hosts may ask to speak to them.
(CYF will vouch for CYF trainees and grads. Email us about this.)
This service is for:
- People who have been granted refugee status and get a 28 day move on order.
- Asylum seekers waiting for NASS housing.
- Refused and destitute asylum seekers.